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here's one on cancer prevention: 

Environmental Factors 

Organochlorides -- from agricultural chemicals, chlorinated water, and plastics -- are likely initiate and promote breast cancer by mutating genes, altering breast cells so they absorb more estradiol, suppressing the immune system, and mimicking the effects of estrogen.  Organochlorides are chlorine-based chemicals, and dioxin, a by-product of chlorine bleaching, is noted as a breast cancer promoter.  Women with high levels of agricultural organochlorides in their blood are 4-10x more likely to develop breast cancer;  women with breast cancer have been found to have 50-60% more pesticides/organochlorides in their tissues than women without breast cancer.  Sources of these harmful chemicals are chemical farming practices, drinking and bathing in chlorinated water, bleached paper, and water pollution. 

Breast tissue is quite sensitive to radiation, especially during the fertile years, and the risk of breast cancer increases with exposure to radiation.  Sources of radiation are mammography;  radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb testing in Nevada between 1951-63;  contaminated milk, meat, fish, and vegetables;  exposure to low-level radiation from nuclear waste (since 1950, breast cancer deaths among women living within 50 miles of nuclear plants have increased tenfold), and other X-rays. 

Electromagnetic fields such as electrical transmission lines, microwave towers, phone cables, and EMFs (extra-low-frequency electromagnetic fields) have been demonstrated to increase the risk of breast cancer by interfering with cells' hormonal, enzymatic, and chemical signals, causing DNA damage and switched-on oncogenes.  EMFs also reduce production of melatonin of which deficiencies are linked to increased breast cancer.  EMFs are produced by house wiring, phone lines, computer terminals, TVs, refrigerators, hair dryers, bedside clocks, electric blankets/appliances/lines, etc. 

Petrochemicals such as gasoline, kerosene, formaldehyde, and benzene may be linked to breast cancer.  Breast cancer rates were 60% higher among post-menopausal women living within 1/2 mile of a chemical plant on Long Island, New York than rates in identical communities further from the plant. 

>>> with bio-accumulation in mind, if breasts could cancer not then develop elsewhere in the body? 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.